


The Birth of Dada

World War 1 was raging and making a pessimistic mood, when the Romanian poet Tristan Tzara, committed to the development of an anti-art movement, which expressed hatred of rationality, unintentionally stabbed knife into dictionary, the point of a knife has stabbed the word of “Dada” which is meaning in French, “a wooden horse” and meaning in the Slavic languages “chime in”. Since Tzara decided “Dada” as an anti-movement name, Tzara started Dada movement with Hugo Ball a d Hans Arp without any clear and rational meaning. The movement eventually included Francis Picabia, Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp and Kurt Schwitters, and they designed various art forms such as assemblage, collage, and photomontage under the inference of Dada. From the two main places of Dada, Zurich and Berlin, Dada spread to Paris in 1920, and also extended to Barcelona, New York, Holland, and Tokyo. Dada played an astonishing role in the global network of free artists escaping from the dominant ideology. In addition, some of artists who participated in the Dada movement evolved in to Surrealism.

The Concepts of Dada

The concepts of Dada are indefinable, however, it is very clear that Dada claimed the emancipation from existing ideas such as reason, rationality, morality and so on. Dadaists thought that the arts should make people better human beings, in other words, Dada shouldn’t simply regarded as an expression of chaos, nonsense or jokes. As Tzara asserted in the 1918 Dada Manifest, “Dada had a human purpose, an extremely ethical purpose!” it indicates that the very idea of Dadaism is familiar with anarchism as a political philosophy, which means that both of them are usually regarded as a symbol of chaos or aggressive radicalism. Needless to say, that is a complete misunderstanding. From the perspective of individual emancipation, Dada or anarchism asserted that every individual should be free from existing ideas, especially ideas that authority imposed upon people, including politics, arts, morality, rationality and so on. It is easy to assume that since Dada was created by very oppressive situation, the First World War, this oppressive situation ignited the very idea of emancipation. Political philosopher Ernesto Laclau says “There is no emancipation without oppression, and there is no oppression without the presence of something which is impeded in its free development by oppressive forces” which indirectly illustrates that the condition of emergence of radical ideas or expressions. The movement of Dada is not engaged with some specific political movement or agenda; in other words, they wanted to negate that engagement of specific political ideas or philosophies.


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