


So...tomorrow I start school again. Gawd, is it that time already? Eh. I'm taking Modern Art, mother fucking French 101, disgusting speech and English 101. K next year, though. I'm lookin' foward to meet extremely sublimed beautiful girls such as Russian girl in remedial English class or needless to say Liah 2000 something like that. I'm totally disappointed in 2 years college, however the way of exile should be step-by-step which means that fucking obstacles such as my everyday funking routine life including non-sense homework assignments or preparation for ridiculous tests and so on always confronted me, but I have to overcome them in order to achieve exile. Simply to say, every painful thing is much better than back to Japan where already corrupted.

Oh~ I just finished Digital Devil Saga. ^^ But honestly to say, it has a lot of problems in the system such as insane odds of encounter and especially the fact that it doesn't finished it story! You know why? Guess what? It is a conventional business way of Altus. They sold them divided forms of package! DDS1 and 2 is continuous story, of course virtually, they can't divided certain way! Oh... but Karma system was fun. I remember the FF5 system. It can customize each characters ability(I really loved FF5 system because it is addictive.) Haaaaa....for me, any games no longer addictive but there are few exception which is raising characters abilities blah blah, but, oh shit! I have to do homework! I really can't pay any attention to non-sense homework assignments as I wrote. They steal my soul in literal sense. I must be CURSED by evil of non-sense! Well, at least I have to finish them before due.

...you know what? This blog needs more English! BRING ME THE GENIUS SENSE OF ENGLISH!



↑スピーチのクラスのテストなんだけどね、なんかね、ノンネイティブのやつを取っているのにも関わらず、テストはスピーチクラスで一括になっててさ、ノンネイティブ配慮とかが全くないわけ。前に書いたっけ?でね、家でやってくるやつと学校で受けるやつがあるんだけど、このpresidential debate 2008の内容をinformative speechで説明するという前提で、このディベートのアウトラインを書いてこいとかって言うんだけど、すげー面倒じゃない?オバマが出てるからやる気がするけど、これがさ、麻生みたいな日本のどうしようもない政治家のディベートだったら全然やる気しないよねっつーかそれでも結構面倒だよね。ディベートの内容をこと細かくメモしてアウトラインを書くなんて日本語でも面倒だよね。それにしてもすげーよな。アメリカ。こんなのをテストにするなんて。政治とかに無知な人はどうすんだろう?もちろん俺もアメリカの政治に詳しいわけじゃないし、ましてや英語が完璧じゃないから大変よ。もうちょー面倒。まぁでも政治で良かったかな。これが全く俺の興味のないやつだったらもう終わってるな。マジで。